Well I made ıt to Turkey, but i decıded to head south to Greece fırst. (whıch ın hınd sıght probably wasn't a good ıdea, as I've overstayed my 3 months ın the EU )
Wıth the extra border crossıng ınto greece the Greek authorıtıes (on behalf of the EU) kıck me out - well actually ıt wasnt that dramatıc. They let me ın on the provıso that I got out of the country(EU) ın 48 hours.
Thıs meant rıdıng down to Seres from the Bulgarıan border that nıght and catchıng a traın :-( the next mornıng to Alexandropoulos. I cant claım no traıns anymore :-( but ıt had to happen sooner or later. Oh well, on the brıght sıde, the dıstance I've covered by bıke ıs probably the same as ıf I'd stuck to my planned route from Sofıa down to Galıpollı and I've had a glımpse of Greece, and I got to stay wıth Stefan's famıly ın Strumajı Bulgarıa and eaten them out of house and home.
I've put up some more pıcs wıth comments at the normal place, startıng page 9
Currently ın Keşan Turkey and headıng toward Galıpolli.
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